This is a series on how to style and manage type 4 hair healthily. This particular post is for natural hair; stretchers and transitioners, stay tuned!
Today's topic: Styling short, necklength hair. Part I.
Future topic: Styling short, necklength hair. Part II.
Chances are if your hair is type 4 necklength, it shrinks up to a TWA. Well, mine did. I remember during that stage, two styles were my best friends - the twistout fro and the wash-n-go fro. They were simple at that stage. They were quick. They looked cuter than my short twists (which I was not liking at that length). I will admit that I felt like a boy at first, but when I added a flower, scarf, earrings, or eye shadow, that all changed.
The woman in the following video is the epitome of someone rocking her type 4 short hair with confidence. Yes, confidence is an accessory needed to wear your "nappy short" hair ... especially in a society where "that kind of hair" is "unusual".
The next time you're stuck in a styling rut, remember this video. Styling short type 4 hair does not have to be complex; just fluff and go, wash and go, or do a twist out and go. Enjoy the simplicity of your hair at that length because once it grows (believe me), you're in a whole other ball park.
Yaasoulrebel's channel
Here's another type 4 (who you may know) rocking her short hair with various stylish headbands:
Mae's channel
Type 4 Series: Short Styles I (Simple 'n Go)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Type 4 Series: Short Styles I (Simple 'n Go)
Reviewed by Handoyo susanto
on Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Rating: 4.5
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Natural Hair,
Short Natural Hair,
Type 4 Series
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