- Do you have alot of shorter strands of hair that contribute to the frizzy look? I noticed that I have alot at the top and middle of my head and was wondering if that is natural or if something is wrong since to me it seems to be increasing in number!
On the other hand, if the short strands are prevalent or increasing in number, then that is not a good sign and may be the result of breakage or other issues. Try manipulating the hair less and handling it gentler.
- Second, does having alot of single strand knots at the ends of my hair mean its definitely time for a trim?
- Since you mostly keep your hair in twists, are single strand knots a big issue for you?
Someone once asked why I don't dip my ends in water to make them re-curl after twisting. SSKs is why. I find that if the ends of my hair shrink up, SSKs are more likely to form.
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