1) Are you natural, relaxed, texlaxed, or transitioning? (And how long?)
Natural; It will be 3 years from a shaved head on March 8, 2011
2) What mistakes have you made in your hair care journey?
a. Not detangling properly (It took a lot of trial and error for me to figure out that I like my hair combed on damp hair after my whole wash process. The shower detangling is a no-no for me.)
b. Leaving protective styles in too long. I've learned that whether my hair was in twists, braids, a twistout, a wash n' go, or a fro my hair would grow and retain length all the same.
3) What is your current HEALTHY HAIR routine?
a. Wash and condition every 7-10 days
b. Moisturize when my hair feel it needs it
c. I've slowly incorporated minor dosages of heat (blow dryer) that has left my hair incredibly soft!
4) Do you have a HEALTHY BODY routine? If so, what is it?
My boyfriend is actually a personal trainer!! If anyone is in Houston and needs help hit me up and I'll relay the message. Also, I have recently returned to college and I basically walk everywhere. It is one of, if not THE, largest unversities in the country. I burn a lot of calories, but I also stay hydrated with the h2o. Currently I am trying to gain weight. I don't think I've ever weighed over 105 a day in my life...and I'm tired of looking 14 when I'm 24!
5) Do you have any advice for those seeking healthy tresses?
a. Don't listen to everybody...including me. If someone can add heat to their hair every 2 weeks or wear braids for 6 months straight and retain all their length don't assume your hair can. Always keep in mind that experimentation involves taking risks so take proper precautions and research!
b. Protective Styling is not the only avenue. I know I know. Don't stone me. I love protective styling with braids, buns, twists, etc. But wearing your hair out or having your hair touch your shirt will not kill you every once in a while. Enjoy your hair, keep it moisturized, wash it when you feel it should be washed, and find styles that suit you. It is as simple as you make it.
You can find MissAlinaRose at:
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