Healthy Hair Feature: Ijeoma Eboh, aka KlassyKinks
Thursday, May 17, 2012
1) Are you natural, relaxed, texlaxed, or transitioning? (And how long?)
I have been natural since May 2010, so I�m now officially two years natural! I transitioned for about a year, and wore kinky twists and weaves while slowly cutting off the relaxed ends in between styles.
2) What mistakes have you made in your hair care journey?
When I first BC�ed, I didn�t get a trim for 8 months, and then had to get a serious haircut. I still don�t trim often enough because I would get caught up with school, but I�m starting to realize a little hair off here and there is better than 2 or 3 inches of hard-earned growth having to be chopped off! In addition, constantly comparing my hair texture and length to natural hair gurus on YouTube set me back in my journey because I was more focused on trying to achieve certain styles than on learning what was best for my hair.
3) What is your current HEALTHY HAIR routine?
I co-wash my hair every two weeks (three in the winter) with Aussie Moist conditioner, and moisturize and seal with shea butter and coconut oil. Once a month, I shampoo with Giovanni 50/50 Balanced Shampoo, and deep condition with Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo. After washing, I either do a twist or flat twist set, which I pin up for a week before untwisting, or I blow-dry my hair using heat protectant and do a braidout. Nightly, I sleep with a silk scarf or bonnet, and a satin pillow case.
4) Do you have a HEALTHY BODY routine? If so, what is it?
When I do have a healthy body routine, I try to work out 3-4 times a week by doing pilates, Zuumba, strength and cardio combo conditioning (aka my favorite Jillian Michaels DVD), or the elliptical. As a hungry college student, it�s often hard to regulate my dietary intake, but I try to have fruits or vegetables make up half of my plate and I only drink water. I also love sleep, and make sure I get lots of it.
5) Do you have any advice for those seeking healthy tresses?
I�d say just love your hair and it will love you back. If I neglect my hair, it rebels against me, but when I care for it properly, it is well-moisturized, happy, and it grows. Also, find what styles work for your hair type, skill set, and lifestyle--and stick to them. Don�t feel like you have to wear a twistout or wash and go all the time because everyone on Youtube is doing it. Do what makes your hair happiest, and it will respond positively.
6) Where can we find you?
I�m on Youtube at, and I also have a tumblr with countless photos of natural-haired beauties called Come check them out!
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