By Stephanie of Infinite Life Fitness
Was one of your New Year�s resolutions to eat healthier? Lose weight? Work out more? Or maybe you just want to adopt a healthier more active lifestyle? Well I have some great news for you�you can and you should start TODAY! Sound too easy? Well yes�it is THAT EASY!
You do not have to invest in a fitness center membership to start obtaining your personal health goals. Today, I will give you some suggested tips to help you kick start your new healthier lifestyle.
First, you have to sit down and make a plan. Create some goals that you would like to achieve and be realistic when you make those goals. You cannot say that you want to lose 20 pounds in one month. Realistically and in a non-life threatening way that can NOT be done. There is no healthy way to achieve that goal in that amount of time. Losing weight takes time, patience, and dedication. It is good to make an overall goal. For instance you want to lose 20 pounds. Well then you have to make smaller goals to go along with that major goal. For example I want to lose 2 pounds this week, and try one new healthier recipe this week. That is a great mini goal to help you reach your overall goal. You will have to adopt a healthier eating style, you will have to adopt a new fitness routine, and you will have to set weekly goals for yourself (like I will only have 2 cokes this week and drink more water).
When you have your goals set you can then decide how you want to achieve these goals. This will consist of a mixture of adopting a new workout routine as well as adjusting the food you consume. It is important to learn what the right portion sizes are and to try to have a variety of things to eat throughout the day. (I have written a post about portions sizes that can be found here.) You do not want to starve yourself! You can eat and snack during the day as long as those foods are nutritious and beneficial to your body. Your workout routine should start off being about 3 times a week. (More would be great if you can find a great workout and if you can fit the time in to do so.) You can do some of the following things at home or in your neighborhood to start your workout routine:
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